Social Problems

Social problems are the effects of men's ideas about themselves.

The attitude of men in all these practical affairs would be transformed were they to understand what was real and what was illusion.



Meditation yields its significance
after the person has experienced it
not when he tries
to understand it by means of examination.

He should be prepared to encounter
unexpected states of consciousness
and be willing
to go where he is led
without expectations.

In spiritual life
even a sincere misatke
taken seriously
may have more value
than half-hearted allegiance to theoritical truth.


Lust, Greed, and Anger

Lust, greed, and anger respectively have body, heart, and mind
as their vehicles of expression.
Selfishness seeks fulfillment through desires
But succeeds only in increasing unsatisfied desires.



You create reality
Through your feelings, thoughts and mental actions.

Each mental act is a reality

For which you are responsible.


Real Knowledge

Real Knowledge is not found in knowing but in BEING.


Attachment to the objects of this world
Is the cause of misery


Perception of Reality

parallel with the process of creation, 
and the reversing of the process of perception without obliterating
consciousness amounts to eralizing the nothingness of the universe



Comes to the soul
By looking


Blind Man

Can a blind man lead a blind man?
Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye
And do not see
The beam in your own eyes?

Awesome Dignity

When this mind
Functions in its awesome dignity
Not one deluded thought
May enter
Not one discriminating idea
Can exist

Do the work or take the credit

My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group. There is much less competition.
~Indira Gandhi~